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Operation BattleAxe VI.1941


  • Tickets: 30 000

  • Respawn limits: 

  - Western Allies 60 times/team, 4 times/player.
  - Germans 55 times/team, 4 times/player.

  • Recommended time limit: 60 minutes

  • Recommended number of players: 30-32 (15/15 or 16/16)


Historical background


Operation Battleaxe was a British Army operation during the Second World War in June 1941, to clear eastern Cyrenaica of German and Italian forces and raise the Siege of Tobruk. It was the first time during the war that a significant German force fought on the defensive but the operation failed as British forces attacked strong defensive positions created by German General Erwin Rommel. The British lost over half of  their tanks on the first day and only one of the three attacks succeeded.


The British achieved mixed results on the second day, being pushed back on their western flank and repulsing a big German counter-attack in the  centre. On the third day, the British narrowly avoided disaster by withdrawing just ahead of a German encircling movement. The failure of Battleaxe led to the replacement of British General Sir Archibald Wavell, Commander-in-Chief Middle East, by Claude Auchinleck Wavell took Auchinleck's position as Commander-in-Chief, India.



link to mission:

How to launch mission.


List and number of tanks for the opponents.

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