Operation Goodwood, VII.1944
List of Alied forces. | Country selection setings | List of German forces. |
Tickets: 30 000
Respawn limits:
- Western Allies​: 40 times/team, 4 times/player.
- Germans 30 times/team, 3 times/player.
Recommended time limit: 60 minutes
Recommended number of players: 30-32 (15/15 or 16/16)
Historical background
Operation Goodwood was a British offensive in the Second World War, that took place between 18 and 20 July 1944 as part of the battle for Caen in Normandy, France. The objective of the operation was a limited attack to the south, to capture the rest of Caen and the Bourguébus Ridge beyond, forcing the Germans to keep powerful formations opposite the British and Canadians on the eastern flank of the Normandy beachhead. Goodwood succeeded in this limited aim and Operation Cobra the First US Army attack which began on 25 July after a delay forced the German defences opposite to collapse. At least one historian has called the operation the largest tank battle that the British Army has ever fought.
Goodwood was preceded by preliminary attacks later called the Second Battle of the Odon. The offensive began when the British VIII Corps, with three armoured divisions, attacked to seize the German-held Bourguébus Ridge, the area between Bretteville-sur-Laize and Vimont and to inflict maximum casualties on the Germans.
On 18 July, the British I Corps conducted an advance to secure a series of villages and the eastern flank of VIII Corps, while to the west, the II Canadian Corps launched Operation Atlantic, synchronised with Goodwood, to capture the rest of Caen south of the Orne River. When Operation Goodwood ended on 20 July, the armoured divisions had broken through the outer German defences and advanced 7 mi (11 km) but had been stopped short of Bourguébus Ridge
Alied respawns 40 per team, max 4 per player
German respawns: 30 per team, max 3 per player
link to mission: drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B5phCvcBPC6Fa29mRENoV1BGMFU
List and number of tanks for the opponents.